Wat valt er te beleven?

  • Streekproducten


  • Brouwerij


  • Rather than brewing its own beer, Geuzestekerij De Cam buys in lambic beers from traditional geuze breweries. 
  • The beer is left to mature in 100-year-old oak barrels and bottled as lambic or blended into geuze which referments in the bottle. 
  • De Cam is located in a building that was already known in 1515 as “des Heeres Landcamme”, “Cam” being the old Dutch word for brewery.
  • Geuzestekerij De Cam (©Lander Loeckx)
  • Geuzestekerij De Cam (©www.straffestreek.be/Luk Collet)

Geuzestekerij De Cam

Dorpsstraat 67 bus B,
1755 Gooik (Gooik)
Tel. +32 476 81 68 06
